Aladdin by Lesley Syme

McLaren Hall, Killin - 16th, 17th & 18th January 2003


Esmerelda, a witch .............................Liz Stevens
Phlegmina, another witch........................Jane Brown
Demonina, yet another witch.....................Anne Kane
Abanazer MacDuff, the villain...................Glenda Mardon
Tai Foo, a general trader.......................Sarah MacKenzie
Chow Mein, a trader selling food................Claire Storrar
Cherry Blossom, a trader selling footwear ......Camilla Tigwell
Lai Chi, a trader selling fruit ................Jillian Laurence
Widow Twanky, a poor washerwoman................John Hunt
Aladdin, a young lad of quick wit...............Myrica Reid
Wishee Washee, his brother .....................Daniel Holden
Dim Wan, the Emporer's right hand man...........Gill Hunt
The Emperor of China............................Tam Bolton
The Princess Tia Maria, his beautiful daughter..Elizabeth Murphy
PC Ping, a Chinese policeman....................Lewis Kane
PC Pong, another Chinese policeman..............Douglas Kane
The Slave of the Ring...........................Siobhan Anderson
The Genie of the Lamp...........................Jamie Hunt
So Fine, a Chinese tailor ......................Becky Holliday
So Cool, anther Chinese tailor .................Victoria Campbell
Chorus..........................................Andrew Anderson, Jinny Dowling, Mark Holliday, 
................................................Fraser Kane, Jillian Laurence, Sarah McKenzie, 
................................................Naomi McLaren, Harry McRobbie, Jack McRobbie,  
................................................Clare Melia, Luke Melia, Siobhan Riddell, 
................................................Claire Storrar, Camilla Tigwell, Hazel Wyllie

Click image to view a slideshow.

Production Team

Producers........................................Gordon Hibbert
Assistant Producer & Stage Manager...............Lesley Syme
Music............................................Sheena Chisholm, Douglas Kane
Sound & Lighting Team ...........................Gregor MacKenzie, Liz Stevens, 
.................................................David Mardon, Jamie Murphy
Set Design, construction and painting ...........Gordon Hibbert, Lesley Syme, Tam Bolton, 
.................................................Elizabeth Murphy, Lyn Wakefield,
.................................................Alfie Wakefield and many club members
Stage Crew.......................................Fiona Stewart, Jamie Hunt, Dave Syme, 
.................................................Clare Wagland, Dave Walsh, Daniel Holden, 
.................................................Gill Hunt & Elizabeth Murphy
Prompt ..........................................Alex Tigwell
Costumes.........................................Lyn Wakefield, Alex Tigwell, Judy Holden, 
.................................................Glenda Mardon and cast
Makeup...........................................Susan McRobbie, Kay Dowling and Cast members
Publicity and Programme .........................Lesley Syme
Front of House...................................Yvonne MacPherson & helpers


Thank you to the following for helping in various ways: 
Elizabeth Woods & the McLaren Hall Management Committee, Jack & Jill who clean the Hall, 
Dani & Mick grant & staff at Eurekea & £1 shop, Joanne Brown & staff at News First, 
Jan Chisholm, Remnant Kings, Douglas McRobbie, John Farmer, Killin Co-op, Chris Holden, 
Stirling & District Arts Forum, Killin Nursery, Killin School, Gordon Aitken, Jenny Lambert, 
Central Scotland Fire Brigade, Michael Webb, Rory Syme, Brian & Paul Hibbert, Maggie Hibbert, 
Marissa Mardon, Tom Murphy; all our helpers - on the door, selling wine and tea, 
dressing children, chaperones at rehearsals, etc 
- the list probably should be longer and we apologise if some names have been omitted
Significant financial support has come from Colin Taylor formerly of the Tighnabruaich Hotel.